Bài tập giúp học sinh sử dụng phép cộng trừ để cân bằng sức nặng giữa hai bên. Cân lệch trái , cân lệch phải, cân cân bằng. học sinh có thể thêm bớt đồ vật để trọng lương hai bên đĩa cân đạt độ cân bằng hay trọng lượng bằng nhau.
This is meant as a scale visual to teach students about balancing the weight and it can also be used to teach students adding and subtracting. You can also put this as a learning math center for students to play with too. To help children gain insight to abstract number and operations concepts, algebraic equations and more. Students can place a weight on a number or combination of numbers on one side, and find an equivalent number or combination of numbers on the other by balancing the weight. This 26"L x 8¾"H, durable plastic balance includes 20 ten gram weights, self-adhesive labels and an instruction booklet.