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Toán tiếng anh toán song ngữ xấp xỉ gần bằng

Posted on Tin tức, Toán tiếng Anh lớp 1 263 lượt xem

Học sinh học khái niệm tăng giảm một chút, gần bằng. More thêm một chút, share chia sẻ một chút, Halve một nửa, nearly  gần bằng, double gấp đôi.


Ask students to give you a thumbs-up if they have ever eaten birthday cake. Tell students to imagine a small birthday cake, and draw a circle on the board. Say something like, "My friend and I are going to split this birthday cake." Draw a line diagonally across the cake, but do not divide the circle in half. Say, "My friend thinks this is a fair way to share the cake." Ask students whether they think the cake is divided equally. Have students explain their thinking, and talk about how they notice that one piece of the circle is bigger than the other.

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